What Is Chemical Peeling and What Benefits Can I Get from It?

At Chase Plastic Surgery, chemical peels are used to improve skin tone, smooth the texture or “grainy” appearance of the skin, and erase fine lines. These are the most men's cosmetic procedures performed in North America. Sun-damaged skin, age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles on the face are all great reasons to consider a chemical peel.

How Does It Work?

Chemical peels use a variety of products that essentially remove the top layer of the skin, allowing a new layer to build up. This brand new layer is smoother, fresher, and younger-looking.

Are There Different Types of Chemical Peelings?

We offer different types of chemical peels at our aesthetic clinic in Montreal. What sets them apart is not so much the product as the depth of the exfoliation. Peels can be superficial, medium, or deep.

Superficial peels

The most common superficial peels are glycolic acid peels, which are offered at our clinic. These peels are very effective in restoring a youthful radiance to the skin after just a few treatments. The sessions are short, around 15 to 20 minutes, and the feeling of heat is minimal and only lasts a few seconds.

Superficial peels do not require any interruption of activities or any recovery. Patients return to their normal activities as soon as treatment is completed. They show only minimal redness and no bruising. Several treatments are generally recommended in order to obtain the desired results. The notable change is a skin having regained all its radiance, which remains natural.

Superficial peels are an inexpensive, non-invasive way to get smoother, less rough, and more glowing skin. In addition, they are an excellent maintenance treatment.

Medium chemical peels

The goal is to remove a superficial layer of skin, but at a deeper level than with a glycolic acid peel, to target wrinkles and treat older sun-damaged skin. These peels are also effective in reducing and improving superficial acne scars, but this may require two or more peels, performed 6-8 weeks apart, to achieve a good result.

A variety of substances can be used to perform a medium chemical peel, the most common being TCA (trichloroacetic acid). Unlike glycolic acid peels, medium chemical peels are not considered a maintenance treatment. The effect of this peel lasts for several years.

Since they work more deeply, medium chemical peels are accompanied by irritation of the skin surface and redness that lasts for about seven days, while the treated layer of skin peels off and a new layer is formed. During this period, skincare consists of cleansing and moisturizing it. Therefore, the interruption of activities lasts for a week. It is then possible to put on make-up and resume work and daily activities.

Deep chemical peels

Deep chemical peels are rarely done because they require a long recovery and cause redness of the skin that lasts for a long time. For most patients with deep acne scars, it is best to perform several medium chemical peels.


Are Peelings Safe?

Chemical peels for men have been used for decades and have a well-established safety profile.

Are They Suitable for Me?

Most patients can benefit from a superficial peel with minimal risk. Medium peels are better for some skin types than others. For example, darker skin tones are at a higher risk of developing abnormalities in pigmentation, which can cause certain areas to appear darker or lighter in color.

A consultation at our clinic will determine which peel is best for you. Request an online consultation or call us at (435) 634-0358 to make an appointment.


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