Liposuction Body Sculpting To Eliminate Localized Fat
Sometimes neither healthy living nor exercise can help us achieve the body we want. Maybe we do have the right weight, but there are still areas that resist whatever we do, and that do not let us have the silhouette that we really want to have. This has an explanation since there are actually some parts of our body that are easier to accumulate fat so that later it is very difficult to eliminate it. But we don't have to resign ourselves. If with our efforts we cannot improve these stubborn areas, perhaps it is time to turn to medicine, which today offers solutions for almost everything.
Is there a technique that eliminates that complicated fat? Can you get the ideal shape in your legs, arms, and abdomen? The answer is yes. All this is possible thanks to Liposuction body sculpting. We explain what it consists of, what results are obtained, and what the postoperative is like.
The technique of liposculpture and its results
It is also known as liposuction and consists of the removal of fat that accumulates in some areas of the body. It is performed in the operating room and one or two nights of hospitalization is recommended.
Areas where liposuction can be applied
- Dewlap
- Abdomen
- Back
- Flanks
- Hips
- Thighs
- Knees
- Holsters
- Calves
- Ankles
Duration of the operation
In general terms, the intervention usually lasts between one and three hours, although it varies depending on the amount of fat that needs to be removed and the area or areas of the body intervened. It is essential to go to a prior consultation in which the general health of the patient, their objectives, the amount of localized fat, as well as other complementary surgeries that you want to do, are assessed. Based on this information, our surgeons can choose the most appropriate procedure, duration, and anesthesia for each case.
Long-lasting results
It should be added that, as long as the advice of the doctors is followed, the new silhouette can be maintained forever. Women notice improvements right away, but the final body contour is observed after a while. In men, changes are seen from the second or third month, when the inflammation disappears. In any case, maintaining a healthy life, both nutritionally and athletically speaking, are the key to maintaining the effects of the surgery over time. It is necessary to add that body contouring after weight loss surgery is not recommended for men with uncontrolled autoimmune, systemic, or chronic diseases, such as diabetes, coagulation problems, and obesity.
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