Cosmetic Procedures Performed on Men - Cosmetic Surgery for Men
Our society places a high value on the physical appearance of an individual, which is why many people are very interested in looking young and in being in good physical shape. Today, even men of all ages and different lifestyles request a plastic surgery intervention to improve their appearance or correct certain imperfections on the body or face.
Men usually crave the following alterations: a more attractive nose, a rejuvenated face, a smaller waist, or a more defined chest and abdomen. Men's cosmetic procedures used for these purposes come with several prerequisites. For example, factors such as skin thickness, the patient's general anatomy, and the patient's medical history have to be considered before a person is chosen for any procedure.
The purpose of this article is to discuss some issues related to men's search for plastic surgery interventions. The purpose is to offer general information on this topic. However, the answers to certain questions depend greatly on the particularities of the individual. For more details and indications of men's cosmetic procedures, contact your plastic surgeon.
Cosmetic surgery for the face
For surgical procedures on the face, your surgeon will first evaluate the area to be treated and examine it for facial scars or skin lesions caused by excessive sun exposure.
Generally, it is a fact that the skin of the face of men has better vascularization than that of women. Men's faces can bleed more and are predisposed to bruising. At the same time, any scars that result from cosmetic surgery are more difficult to hide as men do not wear makeup or haircut styles that can hide them.
The double chin is a blemish that bothers men and women alike. In young patients, liposuction in the area is usually sufficient to achieve results, however, for mature patients, a face lift may be necessary.
Aesthetic procedures such as eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty or face implants are performed in the same way for both sexes. However, it is important to emphasize to your surgeon that you want a more masculine look to facial features such as a chin with improved projection, a more prominent nose, and so on.
The ideal body shape for men is usually agile or aesthetic, with a broad chest and shoulders, a flat abdomen, and a narrower thigh and hip area.
Unfortunately, as we age, the fat tends to accumulate around the abdominal area, the flanks (also called love handles), the breasts, and along the cheeks and neck. For this reason, liposuction is often requested to remove fat deposits from areas that are difficult to address with diet plans and physical exercises.
Lliposuction is the only viable solution for the vast majority of men facing large breasts. The voluminous breasts have a negative impact on the masculine aspect of the body and are one of the most common reasons why men request plastic surgery.
In most cases, liposuction can correct this blemish. Men are known to maintain skin elasticity for a long time, fat deposits are firm, and muscles are more vascular than women. Due to this or other factors, liposuction in men is usually a very effective method to use in order to reshape the body.
It seems that the beauty standards of society have influenced men as well. Lately, the number of men interested in cosmetic surgery procedures has increased exponentially. The reason why men want to have plastic surgery is mainly to recover or achieve the physical characteristics that are considered a symbol of manhood, those associated with bodily harmony, physical strength, and youth.
Until a few years ago, three out of four patients of the plastic surgeries in the clinics were women. Nowadays, men show more and more interest in these kinds of cosmetic procedures. Therefore, some clinics may find that half of their patients are men.
All plastic surgeons agree that cosmetic procedures have a positive psychological impact and can significantly improve the quality of life of patients. However, you need to keep in mind that plastic surgery is not like going to the salon for a manicure. Cosmetic surgical procedures should only be performed when there is a strong medical indication for it and only as a last resort.
Male patients have come to believe that plastic surgery interventions can be used as a substitute for sports and a healthy diet. That's not true. With age, the skin loses flexibility and fat deposits tend to accumulate even more in areas such as the chin, neck and abdomen. Undergoing liposuction to get rid of excess fat or even a tummy tuck to help you improve your body appearance, but to maintain the results, you need regular physical exercises, as well as a healthy lifestyle regimen. Although the plastic surgeon can help you get the six squares of your dreams, you, as a patient, are the only one who can make the results permanent or at least keep them longer. Remember, We can erase some signs of aging, but the process will continue after the cosmetic procedure is performed, changing the results. For what you must do on your part to maintain results as long as possible, you must also realize that changes are inevitable as you age.
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