Dermabrasion, the Ideal Therapy for Stretch Marks and Acne Scars

Acne or chickenpox scars, rejuvenation, skin discoloration, stretch marks, are just some of the problems for which dermabrasion is the ideal solution. In fact, despite being a less-invasive skin treatment than cosmetic surgery, it is able to remove the superficial layer of the skin, eliminating all types of imperfections. Introduced for the first time in 1953 by the New York dermatologist AbnerKurtin, dermabrasion is a particular technique of aesthetic medicine now widely used and highly effective, provided it is performed with care by an expert doctor. The duration of the operation may vary according to the extent of the area, face or body, to be treated. However, normally, the process takes about 30 to 60 minutes. Immediately after the treatment, the skin generates a typical "point bleeding", a sign that the abrasion took place at a superficial level and did not reach the too deep layers of the skin. Furthermore, after dermabrasion, the patient may experience a slight burn...