Liposuction: Long-Term Effects and Benefits and Not Just for the Outward Appearance

Liposuction surgery is a real surgery that, through skin incisions of a few millimeters, allows you to reshape the body by removing adipose accumulations, which neither diet nor physical exercise can reduce. Where can you intervene with liposuction? Liposuction and body sculpting is performed in any part of the body - trunk, abdomen, hips, lower and upper limbs, sub-mental region. What does the intervention consist of? Through very small incisions on the skin that allow introducing a 3 - 4 mm cannula with which the adipose tissue, or the excess fat, it sucked. Best practices combine traditional techniques with ultrasound techniques. Ultrasounds, which represent the most used form of energy in medicine, are selective and directly affect the fat cells. In this way, the vascular and nervous tissue of the patients is spared, making the intervention less traumatic, minimizing hematomas and post-operative pain, with a better aesthetic result. What does liposuction surgery mean for patients ...